Blackpool lives at risk from speeding traffic off the prom

Squires Gate councillors Christian Cox and Gerard Walsh have met with Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Pratt

Speeding traffic using a road which runs parallel to Blackpool Promenade is putting lives at risk, councillors have warned. Now Squires Gate councillors Christian Cox and Gerard Walsh have launched their own inquiry to tackle the issue affecting Clifton Drive in South Shore which currently has a 30mph speed limit.

They have already met with Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Pratt at the site to discuss what could be done to make the road safer. Coun Cox said: “It’s an issue which has been raised with us by many local residents both on Clifton Drive and in the surrounding streets.

“Residents have contacted us directly about it and at raised it at our ward surgeries. Unfortunately as Clifton Drive is a long, straight main road and runs parallel to the Promenade it is often used as a cut through and it receives large volumes of traffic.

“The speeding has been a long running issue and sadly there have been some nasty accidents and some near misses along this stretch. Occasionally, mobile speed cameras vans are placed on the road but this is only a short term solution.

“To try and formulate a more long term solution we held a meeting with Lancashire Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Pratt. Mr Pratt gave us the benefit of his extensive policing experience and knowledge and this is an issue he has experience of dealing with.

“He has offered several potential practical solutions to deal with the speeding issue. But, the first step is to gather data and assess the extent of the problem. So we will be working with the police and council going forward to start gathering data and decide the most effective way forward.”

Last year the council installed a new pedestrian refuge on Clifton Drive near the junction with Harrowside after people complained the road was dangerous to cross particularly at peak times. Councillors Walsh and Cox campaigned for the measure after receiving a petition from residents.

Lancashire County Council has also recently reduced the speed limit on nearby Clifton Drive North from 40mph to 30mph after narrowing the road to create a new cycle path from Highbury Road West to Starr Gate.


Shelagh ParkinsonLocal democracy reporter
  • 05:00, 15 AUG 2022

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